The SNSF-PRIMA-funded project “Urban Bricolage. Mining, Designing and Constructing with Reused Building Materials” investigates the emerging circular economy of building materials in four European countries: Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Poland.
The project enquires into the practical problems that scrap dealers, middlemen, architects, engineers, digital experts, company owners, and carpenters face when working with reused materials.
In an innovative manner, this project combines architectural debates on the ecological requirements, technical possibilities, aesthetic reconfiguration, and material transformability of reused materials with an anthropological approach.
Beyond the academic relevance, the team engages in academic and public activities to foster reuse practices in Switzerland and beyond.
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The four team members investigate reuse activities in four European countries (Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Poland). Each subproject ethnographically investigates selected stages of the circular economy through the practices, techniques, and knowledge of the involved actors. This expands existing approaches in circular reuse activities with a detailed understanding of the human energy involved in moving and reusing building components.
Each national context is complemented with a focus on one of four key sites in the reuse circle: reuse company, demolition site, architectural office, and construction site. The team members work on one site, to generate knowledge about the place-specific practices and human–material relationships.
Research in urban anthropology has long focused on topics such as multiculturality, migration, citizenship, interethnic coexistence or public space use. Recent trends in the subdiscipline go beyond these human-centered approaches as urban life has become the epitome for challenges related to the Anthropocene and global climate change. Desires of urban living (e.g. air-conditioning, car ownership, electronic devices, food provision) come along with an ecological footprint. Anthropologists have engaged, for example, with waste and environmental pollution, carbon emissions, infrastructural inequalities, urban heat or urban floods but also with the ways in which activists develop alternatives to environmental challenges. All these studies critically engage with the intersection of society, environment, and infrastructures in cities. They also re-emphasize the intertwined relations of city and countryside as urban areas depend on the continuous flow of resources from rural areas to sustain the workings and built structures of the city. Power relations and governance define access, distribution and quality of infrastructural services in the fields of electricity, transportation, or housing. While resources from outside are consumed in the city, emissions and pollutions of urban activities often spread beyond urban areas. This workshop entitled "Urban Political Ecology and the Anthropocene. Scrutinizing Human-Environment Relationships in the Contemporary City" explores human-environment relations in the contemporary city with a particular focus on power relations when responding to ecological challenges related to climate, water, plants, biosphere and resources. Rather than separating society from nature, urban political ecology assumes urban environments to be formed by the social, political and economic context. Anthropological approaches are apt to outline the complex and stratified ways in which urban society affects and interacts with the ecologies surrounding them. Investigating everyday social practices and institutional responses to environmental challenges outlines the varied ways in which people from different places and with different social status contribute to or are affected by the Anthropocene.
Die Stadtanthropologie wurde in den letzten Jahrzehnten durch die global stattfindende Urbanisierung zu einem bedeutenden Forschungsfeld für unsere Disziplin. Immer mehr Menschen leben in Städten und aktuelle Debatten zu Überwachung, Gentrifizierung, Bankenkrise, Staatsbürgerschaft, Migration oder Deindustrialisierung sind eng mit urbanen Transformationen verknüpft. In diesem Seminar beschäftigen wir uns mit dem Zusammenleben in urbanen Räumen und wie Macht, Ungleichheit und ökonomische Interessen in die gebaute Umwelt und in städtische Infrastrukturen einfliessen. Wir diskutieren nicht nur, wie Stadtbewohner:innen zwischen privaten und öffentlichen sowie offenen und geschlossenen Räumen navigieren, sondern wie die Stadt von unterschiedlichen Menschen «gemacht» wird. Es sind die alltäglichen Handlungen von Berufsgruppen aus den Bereichen Stadtverwaltung, Gebäudeunterhalt, Bausektor, Verkauf oder Quartiersorganisation welche städtische Räume kontinuierlich gestalten. Link zum Podcast des Seminars:
Beschrieb im VorlesungsverzeichnisSocial communities and cultural identities do not only emerge out of relations of kinship, friendship or shared ideas, but they are fundamentally lived and structured through the built environment. Form, decoration, use, construction and building materials are closely linked to the social, symbolic, economic and technical context of their emergence. In this block seminar, we will engage with the ways in which residential and other buildings in urban spaces partake in shaping our societies. Aspects such as ethnicity, economic status, gender or age influence our perception and navigation in urban spaces. But also state power and politics manifest in and through the urban environment. Small fieldworks in Fribourg will be the basis for the student projects to be delivered at the end of the block seminar.
Abfall als kultureller Ausdruck vom Wert materieller Dinge verrät uns einiges über die sozialen Beziehungen und den infrastrukturellen Umgang mit Objekten. Als Folge industrialisierter und urbanisierter Gesellschaften stellen sich zudem ökologische Fragen zur Lagerung von abgebrannten Brennstäben aus Atomkraftwerken, zum Umgang mit Formationswasser bei der Erdölförderung oder zur Wiederverwendung von Bauschutt. Wir nähern uns in dieser Veranstaltung dem praktischen Umgang mit „wertlosen“ Dingen und den damit verbundenen Warenströmen. Dabei untersuchen wir, inwiefern die Idee der Kreislaufwirtschaft eine Lösung des Abfallproblems darstellen kann. Neben der Aufarbeitung von Grundlagenliteratur zu Abfall und Infrastruktur in unterschiedlichen geographischen und kulturellen Kontexten werden die Studierenden in kleinen Feldforschungen Podcasts zu unterschiedlichen Abfallthemen erstellen. Studierende haben als Abschluss des Seminars den Podcast "Ausgedient? - Gespräche über Abfälle" erstellt:
Link zum Podcast "Ausgedient? - Gespräche über Abfälle"This seminar inquires from a theoretical and cross-cultural perspective into the diverse motives and contexts where building materials are being reused in architecture. Construction materials move between rural and urban, between local and regional as well as between old and new houses. An analysis of these spatial networks provides site-specific insights into the relationships between builders, techniques, materials and objects. In times of resource shortage and environmental crisis, architects have to take seriously their role in minimizing the ecological footprint. At the same time, the social and architectural motivations and objectives why building materials are being reused go beyond ecological considerations. Reusing materials often emerges along with a careful consideration of local building techniques. It further has implications on the design practice where the available materials are the starting point.
Prof. Dr. Madlen Kobi
Universität Freiburg
Departement für Sozialwissenschaften
Einheit für Sozialanthropologie
Bd. de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
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Prof. Dr. Madlen Kobi
Universität Freiburg
Departement für Sozialwissenschaften
Bd. de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
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Prof. Dr. Madlen Kobi
Universität Freiburg
Departement für Sozialwissenschaften
Bd. de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
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